Ballet Misfits

Helping adult starters learn technique, overcome doubts, and find their uniqueness in ballet


Help Patricia Into Canada’s National Ballet School - At Age 45!

After starting balllet just eight years ago at age 37, with no prior dance experience, Patricia got accepted into Canada’s National Ballet School’s Teacher Training Program! If you want to help her make ballet more inclusive and accessible, and let her be proof that major life changes are possible at any age, check out her tuition campaign and learn more about her and her son’s story here.

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Welcome to Ballet Misfits!

β€œToo late, taller than everyone else in class, no turnout, and No idea what to do with Ballet” - that was, in a nutshell, my experience of Ballet when I took it up at age 37 (with no prior dance background).

Can you relate? Have you also caught the ballet bug at a late stage of your life, quickly become obsessed with it, while struggling to find a home for your ambitions? Do you wish to feel welcomed and accepted as you are, despite not starting with the ideal ballet body, despite not wanting to wear a pink tutu all the time, and not fitting into the β€œpetite pretty” ideal? Do you ever feel like you’re hitting unsurmountable walls, facing barriers to progress, exclusion for not fitting in, and feeling the arrogance from traditional ballet environments? Do you feel like the old way of learning ballet, the outdated beliefs, but also your own self-doubts stand heavily in the way of your development? Maybe you’re also facing resistance and lack of understanding from close friends and family? Or possibly you feel guilty for wanting to invest a lot of time and money into your ballet practice, while the world tells you to take care of your kids and work like a normal, responsible adult?

Hi, I am Patricia, founder of Ballet Misfits, and You’ve come to the right place! Ballet Misfits is the home for all those who are crazy about ballet, want to get really good at it, but don’t fit into the typical ballet boxes: because you started too late, or lack turnout and flexibility, or struggle with health and mental issues, or juggle some sort of major life challenge. Or, in essence, for all those who β€œshouldn’t do ballet”. But still do, because there is this strange attraction to it that just won’t let you off the hook.

The good news is: There is a way into ballet for EVERYONE. You can overcome typical aging limitations. You can uplevel your learning. You can improve your flexibility, and build more turnout. You can expect your body and appearance change as you improve the quality of your training. You can find like-minded misfits who are carving out their own ballet path just like you.

Welcome to Ballet Misfits, the place that’s waiting for your story. Let’s get to work!

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Certified Level 3 Progressing Ballet Technique Teacher here!


send an email to and let’s start talking!


 Welcome to the Balletic Misfits Blog!

Allowing Gracefulness - in Ballet and Everyday Life


 Getting Started


Adult Ballet Learning and Neuroplasticity


Technique + Training, the Adult Way




The Ballet Body - Nutrition, Recovery


Pointe Work


Building the Ballet Life and Going Pro


Stay in the Know

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